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More perfidy… — 7 Comments

  1. And we believe *this* Washington Post story (despite their track record of disseminating fake news) because . . . why??

  2. So per the story Obama collided with the Russians to help Trump, and now the wapo is colluding to hinder Trump….

  3. Pretty sure our intelligence services wouldn’t have let this story out if they didn’t want Putin to know. Or they reasonably assume Putin already knows and they’re trying to force Trump’s hand.

  4. I assert the entire story is fabricated, beginning to the end, including all the so-called measures taken to punish the Russians.

    This sort of story, with absolutely no proof offered, is almost the bell ringing the demise of the Russian Collusion story. The Hail Mary toss before resigning to the locker room.

  5. “The Post and its reporters are accomplices to the crimes committed by their sources.”

    I have lived and worked inside the beltway and known some leakers at close hand. This kind of leak is generally triggered by one or a combination of the following:

    1. Disagreement with a policy and an attempt to divert it by making it public.

    2. An attempt to enhance one’s self-importance as the possessor of such important (and limited-distribution) information.

    3. A hope to damage one party or politician by painting them in a bad light for backing such a policy.

    4. Virtue-signalling on the part of the leaker.

    5. Outright malice toward the government.

    This leak appears to have been triggered by several of those reasons. The Washington Post under its new owner appears to lean frequently toward #s 1, 3, 4 and 5.

  6. Our mega-billionaires seem to fall into two groups:
    1) The young, uncouth and anti-intellectual, like Zuckerberg and Musk
    2) The older, with devious agendas, like Gates, Buffett, and Bezos, who differ not all that much from Soros.
    Musk may bridge the two categories, though. He is quite sly and devious.

    They are all very prideful. And Pride leads the list of Deadly Sins. May they dwell in Hell for all eternity.

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