Home » Universities: the appeasement of the bullies


Universities: the appeasement of the bullies — 20 Comments

  1. The idea in the GOP’s tentative proposal to tax the endowment income of wealthy private universities is a good one, and severely de-funding public universities that refuse to defend freedom of speech might be the only way to correct the egregious misbehavior of faculty, students, and especially administrators.

  2. j e,
    I agree. I think Republicans should go further and provide for the EQUALITY of OPPORTUNITY for students and let people know their BEHAVIOR is responsible for the equality of outcomes by removing ALL favoritism programs, ensuring equality in the curriculum, strict rules on discipline and on and on. Or universities should simply be defunded and stripped of their accreditation.

  3. The truly scary part of these campus protests is that history tells us these people are almost certainly this countries future government bureaucrats and eventually elected officials.

    I think it is almost a certainty that within 20-30 we will have single payer health care and ‘hate speech’ will be illegal. It’s just a matter of time until they get enough judges in the system.

  4. Universities are Leftist mind control indoctrination centers that use orgies, rape, sexual abuse, intellectual abuse, false information, and cult discipline methods to convert the good old American boy/girl into a Marxist witch and zombie cannonfodder.


    Witness the power of the Left.

    Even if you want to fight them… will you cripple and kill your friends, family, and relatives? Because that is who they will have control over, with orders that cannot be disobeyed.

    They used to say the CIA created mind control. The Left got their mind control research from someone, and it wasn’t merely Chomsky or Soros.

    Satanic ritual abuse, went back farther than the CIA.

  5. Consider the following timeline of highlights.

    1848: Publication of Marx’s Pamphlet “The Communist Manifesto”
    1859: Publication of Darwin’s “On the Origen of Species”
    1860-1865: American Civil War
    1867: Posthumous publication of “Volume I Das Kapital: Critique of Political Economy” by Karl Marx
    1886: Publication of “Beyond Good and Evil” Friedrich Nietzsche
    1887: Publication of “On the Geneology of Morality: A Polemic” Friedrich Nietzsche
    1888: “The Will to Power: Attempt at a Revaluation of All Values” F. Nietzsche
    1891: “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” F. Nietzsche “God is Dead”in which Nietzsche declares that Western Society’s Elite have abandoned their reliance upon religion as a moral compass and source of meaning.
    1913: Election of Woodrow Wilson
    1914: Rise of Post Modernism, first critique of religion and theology in which nihilism is promoted. Denial of the oossibility of objective truths,
    1914-1918: First World War, “the War to End All Wars”
    1922: Establishment of the Soviet Union, the first communist State
    1950s: Antonio Gramsci’s “Prison Notebooks” become available in which he lays out the rationale for the “Long March Through the Institutions”
    1968-1970: Publication and Translation of Paulo Friere’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” a highly influential treatise with American academia, having sold over 750,000 copies.

    Which leads to this: “Berkley Students Protest Exam and Demand ‘Take Home’, Accuse Test-Takers of White Supremacy”

  6. In “The Road to Surfdom” Hayek points out that college faculty of the 30s and 40s were all uniformly Fascists or Communists and next to none believed in capitalism. I long ago came to the conclusion that these are natural inclinations if you live in a world of words where there are no independent tests of your thinking and no consequences if you are wrong. After all, they sound good and make you feel virtuous because you care about the welfare of all mankind so very much.

  7. Not only should the university hedge funds, I mean, the endowments be taxed, federal student loans should be ended. It wiil force cutting the ridiculous costs of college and their outrageous rate of inflation.

  8. Paul in Boston:

    “The Road to Surfdom”—but I thought that was by the Beach Boys 🙂 .

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  10. GB, in your timeline you left out a critical moment: late 70s-early 80s, Foucault publishes his works which leads to the rise of post-modernism and the PC culture.

  11. “Hayek points out that college faculty of the 30s and 40s were all uniformly Fascists or Communists”
    Orwell explained why. Remember, the intellectuals believed in scientific socialism and history as a metaphysical force.
    “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” George Orwell

  12. Paul in Boston Says:
    November 4th, 2017 at 10:56 pm… I long ago came to the conclusion that these are natural inclinations if you live in a world of words where there are no independent tests of your thinking and no consequences if you are wrong….
    * * *
    Which is why, perhaps, the STEM departments have held out longer, but they are starting to fall to the hordes as well now.

    One small edit: The “no consequences” should be “no negative consequences” and applies only to the perps of academia and government (they often receive a great many positive consequences, such as plaudits and plunder); however, there are plenty of down-twinkles for all of their victims — completely unintended, of course.

  13. One hundred years ago was the dawn of scientific socialism. All the West had centralized planning on the minds of their elites.
    It only took 100 million murders to dissuade them for about 50 years.

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