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The speculation game: the press and Obama — 16 Comments

  1. I can hear what would have been said now. “Hey, who doesn’t have a photo or two in his photo album that someone’s going to fault.” I don’t understand all the fuss and muss. We knew he was being protected.

  2. It wouldn’t have made any difference. Mr. Obama had enough strengths to be a plausible candidate. And he had a great benefit from timing: the general public who would accept a black guy as President; an unpopular war in Iraq; and then the global financial crisis in September 2008.

    Any Democrat would have done well in that year. Even Hillary Clinton might have won, had she not lost the primary to Mr. Obama. She’s probably the only one who is really angry that the photo was suppressed, as she could have used it during the primary to attack him.

  3. You are probably right that the photo alone would not have made a difference. What would have made a difference would have been overall honest reporting on 1) Obama’s leftist/radical background and connections of which this was only a small part and 2) his lack of accomplishment and leadership experience.

  4. Didn’t happen then.
    Won’t happen now.
    Won’t happen in the future.

    Obama’s resume was always only skin deep and that’s all it had to be.

  5. It wouldn’t have made any difference. Remember at the time people were enamored with the smooth talking Greek column reverb on high like he was talking like God – and people like Hannity exposed the Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers but not enough people cared.

    I pointed out to people at the time his comments about taking oil profits, and people just guffawed.

    Now with Dinesh’s movies and the mask has come off about his dictator tendencies (with the FBI and NSA and DHS and IRS) – it still doesn’t matter to many. People just think he cared and wanted to do good.

    Changing people’s opinion is a long game.

    If Oprah ran she would win.
    If Michelle Obama ran she would win.

    No matter how many words we say or write – they will win.

    But over time and through the course of events, people wake up with events at Evergreen College, with protests in front of Schumer’s home, with economic data after the tax cut. But the minds that are changed are only small percentages. .01 % here. Another .01% there. Whoever happened to pay attention that day beyond the headlines may go down rabbit holes and become “woke”.

    My big question is how does a Jennifer Rubin go down the wrong rabbit hole? Most people become conservative when they research bigly.

  6. Dershowitz said he’d not have campaigned for Obama if he’d seen the photo. That presumes he would have needed to photo to know what was up. Pretty slow, Dersh is.

  7. The MSM obeys their orders, like a good totalitarian state, a branch division of the Deep State, which is not as disorganized as people might have fantasized and wished for.

    The REpublicans have to hash out and and debate who gets what part of the pie, which causes vulnerabilities and weakness when it comes time to do a party vote or veto or some other stonewall technique.

    The fundamental problems of democracy are numerous, the most notable being Americans believe democracy is a good thing and part of their heritage.

    The elohim known as Satan or Lucifer, a Son of God equivalent to the status of the pre mortal angel that was later known as the Messiah or the Christ, also had a little interesting problem with a majority vote. 2/3rds of the Divine council voted one the plan of Yehovah/Jehovah, the elohim or angel known as the Christ later on. 1/3rd voted for Lucifer’s plan. Lucifer got voted off the island and kicked out.

    That is why whenever there is a 51% vote on anything, Lucifer and the other elohim will find some way to stick it to humanity, which are still slaves of the elohim by legal jurisdiction due to Babel.

    Lucifer, because he is still pissed off 6000+ years later that humanity’s elohim allies voted him out of Heaven, he is going to find all kinds of ways to sabotage the majority. Like abortion, using the majority to kill the majority. Classic tactic.

  8. I also agree that that photo alone would not have mattered. What might have mattered is if McCain had hammered Obama about his 20 year associations with the Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers, but he refused to do negative campaigning.

    I wondered at the time if Obama might be anti-American, but just couldn’t believe it at the time. Obama’s second term proved to me just how naive I was.

    I now believe Obama’s mission was to save the world from the USA – just the opposite of what the POTUS’s mission is supposed to be

  9. Though it would have been a closer election, Obama would have been elected in 2008 even had the media not covered for him.

    That’s because the election of Obama was not about him personally, it was about white virtue signaling, party loyalty and for blacks, racial solidarity.

  10. An empty slogan-spouting nothing of a human being + adoring MSM + race obsession vs soft & squishy McCain, then Romney with his delicate sensitivities = invincibility.
    Ironically, the Human Genome Project announced its conclusive finding that race does not actually exist in 2007.

    DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair color can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.


  11. It wouldn’t have mattered.

    Yet, somehow, Trump being within 50 miles of David Duke was enough to forever tar him as a white supremacist.

    If it weren’t for double standards, the media would have no standards at all.

  12. Britain, says in part:

    “That’s because the election of Obama was not about him personally, it was about white virtue signaling…”

    I’m sorry to say that I think that that is very largely true. It was a chance to jump on the band wagon and trumpet one’s bona fides as a morally superior person. I really was unable to get anyone to tell me exactly why they had voted for him. It was a lot of “Well, I just felt …” type crap. There was no real excuse.

    Even my elderly mother, almost eighty at the time, and a Democrat for half of her life, had the presence of mind to ask, what he had ever done to qualify for president other than be a senator for a short while. I guess she got it out of her system with Kennedy.

    However we mustn’t take it too far. If you are a black Catholic conservative, be it politician/intellectual [Alan Keyes] , jurist [Thomas] or lawman [Bill Lucas]…. fuggedaboudit. The white Dems ain’t biting anyway.

    I’m also convinced there was something akin to that signaling impulse with those conservatives who were swooning over Colin Powell years ago … without apparently ever having done more than glance at the headings on his resume. He was a cypher.

    Well, there are lots of people running around this world looking for absolution through politics, for the petty moral crimes and personal failings of which they are, and know themselves to be, guilty.

  13. “Yet, somehow, Trump being within 50 miles of David Duke was enough to forever tar him as a white supremacist.”

    Hell, they tarred John McCain as a neo-Nazi because of David Duke. Of course, the October 5, 2008 episode of “Meet the Press” where Tom Brokaw actually did this has disappeared down the memory hole now that McCain is a NeverTrumper. We were never at war with John McCain, we were always at war with Oceania.

  14. They tarred Cruz as a puppet of Goldmansachs because his wife once worked for them.

    Meanwhile, Trum has a slew of Goldman sachs boys on his admin payroll.

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