Home » Vladimir Bukovsky is almost certainly being framed


Vladimir Bukovsky is almost certainly being framed — 17 Comments

  1. Interesting how the UK justice can’t manage to conduct a proper investigation of the wide-scale objectively known sex abuse in Rotherham but acts with such great alacrity in response to a (probably anonymous and highly suspect) tip that an (inconvenient) private citizen suddenly supposedly has porn on his computer … shortly after giving damning testimony.

  2. And we have Trump praising Putin and Hillary who “reset” our relations with him. I want my Romney back.

  3. “I’m not at all sure that the rest of the west isn’t going in the Russian direction, too.” neo

    I share that concern. I think it quite possible that, even if to a lesser degree, this type of thing will occur under a Pres. Trump.

    In Europe, there are moves to create an EU army and in Germany, Merkel is looking to prosecute those who oppose her policies.


    An excellent point and highly revealing of their priorities.


    I reluctantly voted for Romney, though not as reluctantly as I’ll vote for Trump. While unquestionably we would have been much better off with Romney than Obama, a Pres. Romney would have been just another bump on the road to the collective.

    Trumps certainly not the answer but then no one is, proven by the elections of 2008, 2012 and now, with the ‘choice’ of Trump or Hillary…

  4. Geoffrey,
    I haven’t heard about Merkel’S threats to people who oppoose her. Her opposition consists of all sorts of people, some of whom are real neo-Nazis who set fire to homes for refugees. Opposing immigration doesn’t automatically put you in camp with sincere concerned citizens.

  5. The messiah’s only lament upon exiting office is that he could not achieve Putin’s level of power and corruption.

  6. Bukowsky is almost certainly innocent of course.

    But you people have utterly lost the plot here in your little echo chamber.

    At worst, Trump means chaos.

    Parker, you like to throw in your grandchildren every now and then for extra effect. Who is more likely to foster a state (like the UK today) full of ‘child protection’ bureaucrats just itching to take them from their parents? Trump or Hilary?

    Stop all this circle jerk sympathetic resonance emoting of some ill-defined ancestral hebe-jeebies about Trump and get some grasp of historical anomalies (Third Reich) vs. historical absolute effing bloody obvious sure as shit tendencies: like you know The Road To Serfdom.

    Grow up, all of you. Especially you old farts who think you are the repository of civic virtues. You let the system go to shit on your watch. More humility would be in order please.

  7. What a coincidence. That’s exactly the argument that my generation of baby boomers used to cavalierly sweep aside the arguments of our “old farts”.

    Less callow arrogance please, your generation is doing even worse than we did, as in the aggragate it lacks any historical perspective whatsoever.

  8. jesse jackson,

    Please post a link to a recent personal photo. I, my children, and their spouses are curious to look upon your brilliant personage. However, mentioning my grandchildren in a jackass comment is far from welcome. Oh, and you and the horse you rode in on. If you do not recognize that idiom due to your obvious ignorance just google it and you will get the message.

  9. I do believe our old friend from Hong Kong is back with a new moniker but the same give away language. hebe-jeebies – bloody obvious
    No matter how hard one tries, one can’t disguise the bloody obvious British colonial superior than thou attitude, don’t you know old chap.

  10. Especially you old farts who think you are the repository of civic virtues. You let the system go to shit on your watch. More humility would be in order please.

    The Left is far more powerful than what the Red pill implies. You haven’t taken all of it yet, or even one yet.

  11. MollyNH: We’re on the same side. I’m Pro-Trump because I believe that the system is utterly corrupted – headed past Diocletian and into a more Byzantine polity.

    No offence… your heart is in the right place… but you’re not quite up there in literary comprehension or cultural literacy (have read some of your earlier posts).

    Keep at it though. And I say this in all sincerity. You’re on the side of the not devils (wouldn’t call Trump any kind of Angel just yet).

    Nope… not British. You Americans are charming though – as soon as anybody can write or utter moderately sonorous prose, must be British. No wonder Alistair Cooke had you all sewn up with his platitudes for so many years.

  12. I’m leaving up “Jesse Jackson’s” comment only because so many of you replied to it.

    He’s someone who’s been here before under a different moniker.

  13. Freddy and Moses,

    IMO you are kool-aid dreamers. It remains a more or less a free country… at least for a while, btw is it grape or fruit punch?

  14. Neo, thank you for the posting. I had no idea! I am shocked and appalled.

  15. @freddy, Addressing my shortcomings in “cultural literacy ”
    Perhaps your comprehension of particulars regarding the topic
    is what is lacking. Charming Euros they know it all.

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