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Prediction from FredHJr — 24 Comments

  1. Well, yes, Fred was pretty much correct in his assessment of BHO. But I think he is only a figurehead for a much more sinister cabal. How will they govern after November 2nd? I believe this is exactly what the “October surprise” is about: governing by executive order. BHO and the “czars” can literally shut down the USA: Internet and FoxNews, energy industries, transportation and construction, banks, international trade, etc; while funding LSM propaganda, delaying elections to grant voting rights to 12 million illegals, fudging the SCOTUS and encouraging Sharia. Not to mention crashing the currency as states go bankrupt. It’s a very grime prospect, even if Congress and Senate do go Republican and develop spines.

  2. If the class of 2013 were up for reelection to the Senate instead of the class of 2011, we might see a Republican majority in both houses. In two years twice as many Democratic seats as Republican will be on ballots.

    Still, one can hope.

  3. God bless ya, Fred. He was pretty much on the mark however, you have to wonder if his outlook would have further soured if he had lived through this horrible debacle called 2010. He used the word ‘idealistic’ to describe Obama’s Marxism – I would have used the word malignant, but that’s just me.

    I hope that what I have read in the past 24 hours or so that the tsunami that is about to hit the Democrats (well, the progressive wing of the Democrat Party) looks to be far worse for them than it looked even a week ago.

    I certainly worry about what commenter Michael F had to say above. I think that is a real possibility. What exactly would happen if Obama employed ‘scorched earth’ policies to implement his ideology over a newly Conservative Congress and a mad-as-a-wet-hen electorate? He is not a president in the mold we are accustomed to at all, indeed, I don’t consider him a president at all – he lied, cheated and stole in order to win the election at every opportunity. We have ne’erdowells from Jeremiah Wright, to Frank Marshall Davis, to Bill Ayers, to Mr. Doodad Pro lining Obama’s route to the White House.

  4. Marxism is inherently maglinant, no matter how idealisitic the practicioners are.

  5. Thanks for posting this, neo. I miss Fred. Gone but definitely not forgotten.

  6. If Obama attempts to govern the way Michael F describes above, armed revolution will be justified. Think there are any generals who would march troops into the White House and arrest Obama?

    BTW, the 2nd amendment of our Constitution says:

    “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    I don’t think our founding fathers meant for those guns to only be used for hunting.

  7. I don’t think Obama believed he would be a one termer. He sincerely holds to his worldview and I believe he’s genuinely surprised at the fact that the economy hasn’t already recovered. He believed what his economic minions told him. And he is sincere in much of the nonsense he spouts about the health care bill and cap and trade etc.

    That his far left worldview isn’t working is something he either doesn’t yet believe or suspects there’s some conspiracy confounding the forward march of progressive justice.

    I’ve known someone with a similar background to Obama for 25+ years and have often been pushed to wonder about their view of the world.

    Why does Obama believe that bigger government is better? Why does he feel no compunction about saying he would value fairness (redistribution of wealth) over maximizing economic growth and tax revenues.

    From his point of view – he identifies with being a black American – he has to explain to himself why blacks as a group are so behind everyone else – now and historically. Any explanation that doesn’t involve third party interference and/or a conspiracy is unpalatable – too close to admitting some sort of inferiority – if not genetic then cultural. If it’s not the individual’s fault, it’s due to luck or those others cheating somehow. Therefore removing wealth from those cheaters or the lucky is only fair since they don’t deserve it.

    For many blacks, a bigger stronger Federal government has always been a positive force for them. Stronger states have always meant the short end of the stick. The concept of a bigger government connotes something very different – as does ‘states rights’.

    Anyway, I believe Obama sincerely believes much of what he doing is good for the country and is just to boot.

    He tends to be open to any idea or solution to some perceived problem if it involves righting the existing wrongs and/or more government. This is true for Global Warming/cap and trade, union card check, higher taxes, more regulations, affirmative action, …….

  8. I think that FredHJr probably thought he was stretching it a bit to say that Democrats would barely hold on to the majority, and that this “do it now” attitude of Obama, Pelosi and Reid is a real possibility. But the difference between the prediction and the coming tsunami is the rise of the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party Movement goes against everything they understand about conservatives, and outflanked them.

    Yes, FredHJr made a bold prediction, and the Tea Party has exceeded everyone’s expectations.

  9. He must have been clairvoyant. I can only hope that once the damage that Obamacare will do sinks in there will be more than enough Democrats to repeal the thing.

    If there any flaw in his thinking it is ascribing to that malignant trio of Obama, Pelosi and Reid such a prescient level of reasoning. Fred’s statement more or less accuses them of intentionally seeking to do as much damage as possible before they are caught, having the press in collusion with their malicious program (intentionally or not), and fooling enough of the people to pull it off. And being able to fool enough of the people all of the time to keep it from being repealed.

    That may be a perfect summary of the Obama administration. If so it is only a matter of time before democracy in this country is permanently undermined.

  10. I seem to recall fredjr had knowledge of the marxist mindset from early intermingling with them. I’m thankful he came around to seeing evil for what it is. God bless you Fred.

  11. Otiose,
    I like your summation. It jibes closely with D’Souza’s anti-colonial mindset. Obama may at some point have given consideration to Adam Smith and the way wealth is created, but his experience and mentoring all pointed him in the opposite direction.

    You are probably correct that he wonders why the stimulus didn’t work. After all, his advisors all told him it would. It would be a wrenching experience for him to accept that his long held convictions are wrong.

  12. Obama does not care whether the Porkulus worked as a jobs creation program or not. That whole package/program was merely a bribe to his cronies in state governments, unions public and private, and other assorted supporters of his regime. People have to understand that Obama never intended Porkulus to work as theorized and explained to America, except to redistribute the country’s wealth to those he is beholden to, because he lied through his teeth. Obama likes playing god and picking economic winners and losers. For proof, one only has to remember all those GM car dealerships that were closed in mostly Republican/Bush/McCain voting areas or were contributors to Republicans. It’s never been about his policies working for the benefit of America, just working for the benefit of his cronies. That is social justice, Obama style.

  13. As a regular reader (but rare poster) I still miss FredHJr’s thoughtful insights.

    However, I must say that I take VERY strong exception to people who say things like Obama will quit before his term ends or that he won’t run for a second term, or knew then and/or knows now he will be a one termer. Baloney.

    This reminds me of those who were ignoring those of us SCREAMING at the people claiming before the election that they thought he was “pragmatic,” and would “govern as a moderate,” etc. Makes me actually angry. I still want a mea culpa and a sincere and humble apology from the idiots like Peggy Noonan who think everyone else was as fooled as she was. No…we…weren’t.

    As to this one term thing…Come on. I mean really – whoever thinks this, pay attention to the guy for Pete’s sake. He LOVES the trappings and power and perks of being president. It is Sunday afternoon – he is most probably out on the Links at this moment – playing another free round, courtesy of you and me. He loves to campaign. After all, it is all he really knows how to do, and the only thing he is any good at. He will throw whoever he needs to, under the bus, if he must. Including any of his fellow democrats.

    He probably WANTS the Pubs to win the house and gain enough seats in the Senate to thwart legislation. Why? Because just when the “blame Bush” for everything wrong with the economy reaches its expiration date – he’ll have the “blame the Republicans” theme to shift into to. Perfect timing.

    And it will work. Because the media has always been, and will try to find any excuse to remain, firmly on his side. And will hammer the message home. Over and over and over again.

    Look, even as bad as the economy is today – and here at the bottom of his approval rating, if the election were held today – he would STILL get in the mid-40’s.

    If the economy rebounds, even slightly, and even temporarily, and even if it is just a short upward tick, between now and 11/04/12 ….the Media will give him 100% of the credit and he will shamelessly grab 100% of the credit. And that mid-high 40’s he is guaranteed to get under any circumstances…..will move perilously close to that magical 49.8% mark. Cheating and fraud will provide the other 0.3% needed.

    This sounds horribly like the hateful Leftists who rooted for defeat in Iraq so as to cause Bush to lose to Kerry – but I fear that unless the economy STAYS this bad if not get worse – there is a huge risk we’ll be saddled with a second term of this disaster.

    I pray I am wrong.

  14. I’m with Michael F, southern james, and texexec. If the oppos follow the rules while the Corruptocrats ignore them (and also use them against us when it suits), we have only one place to turn.

  15. FredHJr was absolutely correct when he called Obama a Marxist. The defining feature of Marxism is seeing the relationship between working class and enterpreneurs class as a zero-sum game. Everything else in Marxist worldview is a logical inference from this basic assumption. The only cure for social inequality in this mindset is redistribution of wealth, and even if this will drive economy to the ground, this is an acceptable pay. All Obama’s moves directed to this goal, and his rhetoric, in unguarded moments, shows this conviction.

  16. I have held the position that this administration constitutes an attack on the Republic, and that is from the first days of its existence.

    Preplanned, and with specific goals in mind, the actions of this administration over the last two years make zero logical sense if you are looking for anything remotely resembling governance or protection of the constitution.

    I reiterate: don’t look for Mr. Obama much after November. He’ll do photo ops, and inject inanity and vitriol into the public debate… but he’s already gotten done what he set out to do.

    Regulations originated by carefully crafted Leftist think tanks that have been administratively scheduled to take effect in January, in departments from the IRS to EPA to Justice to Education to HHS to Defense and beyond, will crush whatever vestige of normalcy is left in our daily economy.

    It’s an attack. Wake the hell up. Better to prepare now than to pretend surprise in the spring.

    The Tea Party is a late response to a lethal threat. The traditional Republican machine is unequipped to do the confronting, much less the defeating, of the bureaucratic monster created these last years of Leftist action.

    Fred was absolutely right.

  17. I agree that Obonga will pay no attention to the will of the citizens, the Constitution, or the other laws of the land.

    He got the ginormous Government Medicine bill into law without having it voted on, didn’t he? I mean, WTF? And got away with it.

  18. The fact that ‘FredHJr’ is remembered speaks volumes. A hallmark of this site is the personal attention the hostess often pays to casual commenters.

    I’ve been reached the end of the internet and have only seen it here.

  19. They do the Chicago Way.

    So far, Dems are Al Capone; Repubs are Eliot Ness.

    Sean Connery is going to win or lose this one. He’s the good guy. Let’s not forget that. It’s going to come down to what people are prepared to do.

  20. Mike Mc – HATE to point this out, but Sean Connery’s character was at room temperature by the end of the movie.

    I’m hoping we have more of an Eliot Ness moment at the end of this confrontation, complete with a lot of these jerks sitting in the slammer.

    Regarding above comments about Obanger usurping power unconstitutionally, keep in mind that to do so would require him to bring in collaborators as the Oval Office can’t run the entire government on it’s own.

    Those collaborators would have to do some serious soul searching before reaching the conclusion that the form of government we have could be overturned into something more blatantly resembling a fascist state.

    Think in terms of the opposition to Obamacare – only magnified by about 1,000.

    And with torches and pitchforks!

    (Well, actually there are better things to carry during such a tumultuous time than a pitchfork….)

    Such a move on his part would also require the assistance of the armed forces – and honestly I just don’t see that widespread support emerging from that sector of our society.

    Sure, there are individuals that would unquestionably follow orders – but there are plenty who would not, or would find hyper-technical reasons for being extremely slow, haphazard, and slack in carrying out such orders.

    As for fellow democrats going along with him to get as much of their agenda rammed through before 2012 elections as possible – keep in mind that those congress critters are still human.

    Only so many will fall on the sword for Obummer’s sake.

    If this election cycle proves as disastrous for them as is being predicted, I expect a lot of them to abandon Obanger and go into full fledged self preservation mode as they try to save their ass…ah, I mean seats (and therefore their livelihoods/careers/power).

    They may love Obummer – but they love their own hides more!

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